Soul Cleaning & Spring Intentions

I’m a HUGE fan of March! Not because it’s my birthday month… okay maybe 😉 No really, it’s because it’s a new month & hello time-change, it’s full of color (fresh blooms!), it’s a new season (AKA new wardrobe… I think we are all SO over winter now) and a fresh new start! I’m all about fresh starts. It’s another opportunity to circle back to your New Year’s resolutions, monthly intentions or goals you have for yourself. If you haven’t written down any goals for yourself, March is your fresh start.

It’s so important for me to write down my goals. Whether it be weekly, monthly or yearly. Say hello to accountability and that rewarding feeling of accomplishment after you’ve checked one off the list.

As you may know from my health story, I’m a very sensitive person. Little things can affect my mental health – stomach pain, seasons, food intolerances, negative energy, weather etc. I make a conscious effort to really listen to my body and my mind so I can live a happy & healthy lifestyle. So here’s to what my heart was calling for – March soul cleaning and my spring intentions.

March Soul Cleaning starts TODAY thanks to my main motivator & reward – Bliss and Bandits.

First stop – clothes!

Stop. drop and go through your closet. Pull out anything and everything that you are not a fan of…even that top you never wear but are saving for that one theme party. Toss everything that is too small, doesn’t fit and you haven’t worn in the last 6 months. Whether you know it or not, these clothes subconsciously affect your energy. When I was going through my closet, I found A LOT of clothes that are too small on me. Back in the day, this would have destroyed me hoping one day I would fit into  them again. (AKA why I’ve kept them for so long) But not today. Nope. I tossed it. I love my body the way it is and I’m not letting a piece of clothing change that. It feels so good to feel free from that way of thinking. I now buy a size bigger, because who the hell cares! 🙂

Now sell them for some extra cash at your local thrift store. If you’re in San Diego, I sold mine at Flashbacks and then Plato’s Closet. I made over $100 and donated the rest to AMVETS.

I used the extra cash I made and put it towards a new spring wardrobe. I bought clothes that made me feel good! I love getting fashion inspo from other bloggers or instagram babes that have a unique style. I fell upon Bliss and Bandits during one of those 3 hour stocking sessions on the gram. They are so rad. They are located in Newport, California and have the cutest site. Trust me, I love my basics, but you have to reward yourself with some clothes that stand out especially for events and of course for the gram! (I’m kidding…kind of) Bliss and Bandits has those stand outs for sure!

I did a little perusing and started to sweat because I wanted literally everything from the site. You can find the cute black cropped tie top here that I’m strutting in the photos. I paired it with a skirt from Urban Outfitters, but you can also throw it on with some lulu lemon leggings! You can dress it down or dress it up. LOVE, right? I also chose the cutest red gingham checkered pants. You can find them here. Okay… there is no other place you can find this cute of pants at! So different and soooo cute. I’m heading off to New York in two weeks and going to the Malibu Safari winery in three and I need outfits so puhh-lease let me know which items I should get next off of their site! I need some help…like ASAP. 🙂

I look at my closet, and could definitely say I would feel amazing wearing it all. There isn’t one piece of clothing that I wouldn’t wear! It feels so good to be so organized and clear headed with my closet~ LOL. I mean we look at it every day, it’s important.

Next stop – New diet lifestyle

As most of you know, I have some serious gut issues that Gastrologists and Holistic Dr.s have not been able pin point. It’s been completely frustrating! (UGH) Thanks to you babes I know I’m not alone in this department. After posting about it on Instagram SOOO many of you have reached out to me saying you can relate!

So the internet has not been much help in this department…so rude. However, podcasts and the book store have been! T-GOD! Yup… the good ol’ fashion book store. After doing some research, I’ve decided to pursue the Primal Diet (AKA a paleo lifestyle).

The Primal diet is based off an amazing book by Mark Sisson, called The Primal Blue Print. Get it, read it, absorb it. It’s f***ing life changing! I’ll do a whole post on my gut next week and tell you exactly what I’m doing and eating to reduce the inflammation and repair my gut lining.

Third stop – Let myself have fun

My brain is always running 1000 miles per hour. I have definitely slowed it down, and controlled my thinking in the last 6 months, but there’s always room for improvement. Since I’m always thinking (AKA anxiety) it is very hard for myself to let go and have fun. I’m going to New York March 23rd to celebrate my 23rd (woah did NOT realize the 23s until now) with my love, Trevor and I really, really want to enjoy this special trip with him. A trip I’ve been looking forward to for a very, very long time.

Fourth Intention – Make everyday feel like play

I want to thoroughly enjoy every workout and not have it feel like a grind. It needs to feel like play. Playing isn’t just for the babes, it’s for all. I changed my workout routine in January after being stuck in a year long rut. Instead of working out for results, I workout for my mind. I don’t just go to gym every damn day to lift weights. (YAWN)… or cardio. (EW) I switch it up. Class pass has helped me so much with keeping things interesting and fun. I’ve been loving hot yoga, pilates, spin, hiking and strength training at the gym. Every day is different and keeps my body guessing!

Fifth Intention – Vitamin D please

For sooo long, I’ve been terrified of spending too much time in the sun. Again, anxiety is talking lol. I was so nervous about getting skin cancer. However, vitamin D is so important and being outdoors in general is so important. WHY? Vitamin D deficiency can lead to depression…no thank you! Plus, being outdoors makes you present. My goal for this month is to take walks outdoors frequently, hike, pick up a ball and play outside with some friends… totally unplug from the cellular. It’s time to get outside with some extra sun block. This should not be that hard since I used to be outside 24/7 as a kid, but adulting has made it less of a priority.

Sixth intention – Your vibe attracts your tribe

I want to work on loving myself so I can love others harder. This blog is an outlet for me to share my love with you babes so this intention is very important to me! I want to continue on working on my vibe because I am absolutely loving my tribe. It’s the first time in my life that I feel so at peace because I have the most wonderful people in my life, including you! Your DMs, sweet messages, thoughtful comments, love and support. The SM tribe is so positive, loving, strivers to be the best versions of themselves so they too can be in a place to help others. You all have helped me create a community of love and happiness. No judgement, competitiveness, or dishonesty. It’s quite refreshing!

Let me know your March intentions in the comments below! I would love to know <3







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  1. Connie says:

    To lose 10 pounds. 3 down✔️

  2. Lauren delashmutt says:

    My favorite post of yours so far! Definitely following these new intentions- ESPECIALLY spring cleaning my closet & most importantly self love/expanding my tribe! Love you girl thank you for the constant inspiration xoxox ❤️