Once you start to do that inner healing work, food becomes beautiful, food becomes medicine, food becomes joy and laughter and community and deliciousness.
Terrible rashes and full body hives, chronic fatigue (EXTREME… could not get out of bed for almost a year), a uterine fibroid the size of a grapefruit, brain fog, severe joint pain, severe jaw pain, and mysterious full body pain that was starting to take over my life.
I have uncovered past traumas from childhood and adolescence that I had completely forgotten about or glossed over as “not that big of a deal” that have been sitting in my body and soul and wreaking havoc on my sensitive system for all of these years.
CBD, getting outside in the fresh air, and being with people who I love.
When I got sick with Lyme and really dedicated my life to the healing lifestyle, it no longer made sense to me to put something I view as a poison into my body.