Looking back at March, it’s kind of funny how we all thought this (Covid-19) was just going to be a two week thing.
I remember when we heard about our friend getting to work from home until the end of April and we were all shocked and a little jealous. Now look at us. Some of us were furloughed, others are working from home, some of us have cut hours and others are considered essential.
However, what we all have in common, is that all of us are facing some extreme challenges and change one way or another.
Covid-19 has been one emotional rollercoaster.
The fear of the unknown has been at an all time high. I fear for my parents who are in their 60’s. I fear for my grand-parents who are in their 80’s. The thought of them getting the virus, gives me anxiety. I fear for not knowing the end to all of this madness and for the people who don’t have jobs. I emphasize for the parents, now that schools have officially been closed for the fall. How are they going to work, supervise their children and teach all at the same time? Fear.
Fear is cancerous. It causes stress, inflammation and breaks down our body. It can be dangerous if we fear too much. Fear can lead to a lot of mental health issues. It can take us down a negative downward spiral and therefore, make us weak.
We need to channel this fear into hope. Fear won’t help us overcome these obstacles. Positivity and hope will. We need to shift our perspective in order to see the other side of this pandemic.
We can’t let fear and negativity win. It’s time to shift our perspective on Covid-19 worldwide.
Read my blog here about how I’m healthier than ever after quarantine … a shift in perspective. Instead of sulking about not being able to do anything or talking about fearing over things I can’t control, I wrote a blog post here about all of the good that came out of quarantine.
This positive shift in perspective is how I’m staying sane during Covid-19.
- Chat with me xx