My 2020 year in review:
A few weeks ago, on a Sunday, I was laying in bed with my with my planner, planning out the week ahead. Something I love to do most Sundays to get organized for the week. As I was planning out my next week, I started to do some reflecting on the past year.
I realized that I couldn’t even remember off the top of my head what I did or accomplished between the beginning of quarantine to now. All of the months felt like a blur.
So, I started to dig through my planner. I flipped through each week, jotting down things I achieved, life-changing moments, hardships and fun memories. As I flipped through each week, I started to organize these moments by months.
After I finished my 2020 year in review, I realized I achieved and did a lot more than I originally thought. For me, this year was the year of growth, change, confidence, and strength.
Here are some of my learnings and some examples to get you started:
JAN: I did a social media cleanse, and went an entire month off of social media. It was a month of healing, mentally. I also manifested working from home this month. I knew that WFH would help bring me happiness and overall a better + healthier lifestyle.
FEB: Trevor and I took our first international trip (just us two) together. We went to Tulum to celebrate our 5 year anniversary and my birthday. Read this blog post on Tulum. It was the month of love and transition. I transitioned back on socials, had a lot of time to reflect on my career + little did I know, I was creating change. As we (my company) transitioned to WFH the next month.
MAR: The month of change. As a nation, we went into a strict quarantine. My wish to WFH came true, unfortunately it took a pandemic to make it happen. I celebrated my birthday – I turned 25.
APR: I moved in with the love of my life into the cutest apartment on the beach – this blog post talks all about it! Because of WFH, I was able to engage with you guys more on Instagram. In return, this is the month the community started to grow. I also felt a lot closer with all of you, which made me happy, especially during a time like then.
MAY: I launched my recipe book this month!
JUN: BLM movement. A movement that opened my eyes, educated me, and brought me closer to my family, loved ones and community. Melissa Wood also reposted me for the first time (she is my idol!). I also went on my first river trip this month, which was sooo nice to get away for a little.
JUL: The month where I think Trevor and I lived at the beach. We started seeing our friends a little bit more this month. My heart felt warm. Seeing a lot more growth on social media this month! I was loving that you guys were loving the content!
AUG: Melissa Wood reposted this blog post! I freaked out :)! We also had the Balanced Blonde on the blog this month – check out her blog here! This month we saw a HUGE amount of growth on the blog. To close it out, my family and I had the best trip ever at Lake Powell.
SEPT: @ShopShylahMay started to come to life! We also celebrated Trevor’s 27th birthday at the river with our friends. Such a fun trip!
OCT: We launched @ShopShylahMay… and completely sold out in 8 hours!
NOV: We restocked the #loveyourself crewnecks… and sold out again! My mom and I also worked on expanding Shop Shylah May to include other items (coming soon). This month I also had the best girls trip with Brooke and Amy. We went to Solvang – read this blog post on all things Solvang! Trevor and I also celebrated our 6th year anniversary. My family and I had one of the best Thanksgivings, too!
DEC: The month of rest, reflection and family. This month I made the biggest decision, that’s going to change my 2021. I will be announcing it soon. However, what I can tell you is that I’m a little nervous, but mostly happy and excited. I already have a weight lifted off of my shoulders and I feel ready for this change.
I definitely recommend doing your 2020 year in review… if you feel like 2020 was just a blur or if you want to see all that you’ve accomplished this past year. We all have something to be proud of.
- Chat with me xx