Even though we are well into 2020, I still wanted to jot down my resolutions for the year on my blog since I didn’t previously get to! Here were my 2019 goals.
Every year I love making resolutions or intentions for the year to get my head in the right mindset. This process has always worked for me and has always kicked my ass into high gear at the start of a new year. It’s refreshing, it’s motivating and it makes me feel alive again!
So, I don’t care what anyone says, setting goals, intentions, resolutions…whatever you want to call it… works for me.
I also love looking back at the years to see what all I have accomplished or what I like to call it, still working on. 😉
I think it’s important when setting goals for the new year, that you first and foremost make sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based). For example, I’m not going to say my goal for this year is own a Ferrari. There’s just absolutely no way I can make that work unless I want to go into years of debt. LOL. So make sure they’re goals that are specific, ones that you can measure, achieve and aren’t beyond reach, that are relevant and can be made into reality and finally, are time-based.
Anyway, lets dive into my 2020 resolutions.
- Savings – Spend $$$ more wisely
- Grow my Instagram community to 25K on Instagram
- Launch my new website (coming soon!!)
- Start time blocking + stick to it!
- Create more relationships with brands I LOVE!
- Collaborate with likeminded people! (Bloggers, health-focused babes, people in my space et.
- Start monetizing my blog
- Keep creating VALUE on my platforms
- Help brands grow! Via podcasting, social media strategy, branding etc.
- Create a home with Trevor <3 (Yes, we are moving in together!)
What are your goals for this year?
So well written ????