You guys – I have been LOVING working out at home. It’s totally changed my perspective on the gym.
I always thought in order to stay fit, I needed a leg press, stair runner, Barbell and all of the equipment a gym provides. I mean I even joined an Equinox ($$$) thinking it would keep me more accountable.
However, being quarantined has totally changed my mind on the gym. I’m actually seeing better results with at-home workouts.
I’ve lost three pounds (without even trying) and I’m looking sooo much more toned (which is making me feel a little better about this whole COVID-19 situation).
Here’s the equipment I’m using to get the most out of my at-home workouts!
Free weights:
I currently have 8LB weights, but I’m ordering 1LB and 5LB pounds as we speak! I’ve been loving doing light weight/longer rep workouts lately… like even holding 1LB weights and doing arm workouts for 10 minutes (no breaks) is hard!!
Ankle weights:
I think I will forever have PTSD from ankle weights thanks to competitive cheer (back in the day). But, damn are they effective! It makes doing 30 seconds of donkey kicks killer. I’ve seen dramatic results in my booty thanks to these weights! Should I show you a leg workout using these weights? Let me know!
Resistance Bands
Another amazing tool to really target those glutes! My legs feel soo fatigued after doing leg workouts with resistance bands. I love how these bands have a range of resistance (X-light to X-heavy).
Yoga Mat
A mat is so important to not only support your body and joints, but it helps get your mind in the game! I feel like I’m not as motivated when I don’t have a mat rolled out. There’s something about working out on the carpet or your hard wood floors that feels so weird. Anyone else agree?
I personally love just throwing on fuzzy socks and using my hardwood floors to mimic the same workouts as gliders do, but it’s all personal preference. If you think having gliders will motivate you to do that burning workout, then they are worth the purchase.
That’s it! That’s all of the equipment that is truly needed to get the most effective results for your at-home workouts. I’m a true testament of it.
I hope you enjoyed this blog – let me know in the comments below if you found it helpful!
[…] If you enjoyed this blog, check out the equipment I’m using for my at-home workouts, here! […]